Portrait | Guests | Offering | Feast

Final Offering | Rocket | Ignition | Fire

A Monk's Funeral Main
The Thailand Galleries Main


People arrive steadily with large pots of food which they have been preparing since early morning and the night before. There seems to be no organizing force, there were no sign up sheets for which food to bring, there are simply tables laid out for serving and people occupy them as they arrive.
Almost every kind of food is available--rice, noodles and everything else. I stuck with the "kang kiew wan", or green curry with rice, as seen here.
All the guests eat as they arrive or whenever they feel like it, but monks have to wait until a certain time. They have been chanting and making other preparations and now there is a lull in the activities when they sit and eat.


Portrait | Guests | Offering | Feast

Final Offering | Rocket | Ignition | Fire

A Monk's Funeral Main
The Thailand Galleries Main